
Silly Telephone Game Phrases

Silly Telephone Game Phrases AdultsThe 2. Most Annoying Business Phrases. The 2. 5 Most Annoying Business Phrases Managers Use. From the overused to the clichd, we are inundated on a daily basis with annoying and ridiculous business phrases from the lips of well meaning managers. Why so many of us, present company included, rely on the latest catch phrases or tired business jargon to relay a particular message is unclear. Whether lazy, blocked or we really think it makes us sound important, we too often reach for the prepackaged word grouping instead of constructing an original sentence. Tired of the constant use and misuse of worthless wordings, we decided to assemble a list of formulaic business phrases still in overuse today. Of course, simply compiling a list of the worst or most annoying business phrases was too easy narrowing that list to just twenty five proved to be the hard part. DOES YOUR BUSINESS NEED GENUINE HELP WITH YOUR ONLINE REPUTATION To add a little complexity to this project, we decided to author a single speech using all twenty five of the most annoying business phrases. That speech, which you are encouraged to deliver at your companys holiday party this year, is located at the bottom of this article. After countless hours of debate, here is our list of the 2. Most Annoying Business Phrases Managers Use. For those wishing to sound more like true leaders, we included very simple replacement expressions for each. Think Outside of the Box We cringe even writing this one. Inarguably the very worst, most annoying business phrase of all time, Think Outside of the Box has become such an overused clich that Taco Bell coined their own version for a national ad campaign Think Outside the Bun. Once the likes of Taco Bell, Sears, General Motors or 7 1. The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Think Creatively. Give 1. 10 Our problems with this phrase are both the impossibility of giving 1. Why stop at 1. 10What are you, a slacker We know Nigel Tufnel would give 1. The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Do Your Best. Hit the Ground Running Meant to energize a team to start work on a project immediately, this overused idiom generally has the opposite effect. Usually the person telling their team to hit the ground running is some do nothing who only hits the ground running when five oclock rolls around. The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Get Started Immediately. The 3. 0,0. 00 Foot View Though not the only use or misuse of this phrase, the 3. We get it, okay, you want us to believe youre considering every outcome of a particular decision. Silly Telephone Game Phrases' title='Silly Telephone Game Phrases' />The origins of this phrase, which is meant to describe the view from a commercial airplane flying at 3. The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use The Big Picture we know this is also clichd, but at least everyone will understand the meaning. FYI The overused abbreviation of For Your Information, has become such an annoyance to hear uttered writing FYI is sometimes useful that one of our editors believes FYI actually means Fornicate You, Idiot. Of course, he replaces fornicate with a common expletive. He claims that it becomes a little more palatable to hear someone say FYI when you think of it in his context. Like putting the words in bed after your read the saying from a fortune cookie, this immature habit of his works well and is quite funny. Food Idioms. acquire a taste for something to develop a liking for some kind of food or drink or something else. My friend has recently acquired a taste for. Just how likely does probably sound to you Redditor zonination asked users of the polling subreddit rsamplesize to assign percentage values to a range of. These 10 road trip games require zero technology and can work wonders to keep you and your family entertained on long journeys. The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use nothing uttering FYI adds no value and does not need to be replaced just stop saying it. Blocking and Tackling Whenever someone in your business skips the basics and fails, managers will often say its just blocking and tackling to signify that the simplest of tasks were not completed. Of all the overused sports analogies applied to business, this is the most annoying because it implies that blocking and tackling are easy tasks. In football blocking and tackling are the most important tasks, and not necessarily the easiest. Without blocking, the offense cannot score. Without tackling, the defense cannot stop the offense. Since we dont actually block or tackle at work, lets drop this silly misuse. The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Primary Tasks or Basic Tasks. Pound Gorilla Used in business to mean some entity so dominating or uncontrollable because of their power or size that others must show respectconsideration, the term 8. Given that the average gorilla weighs about 4. Annoying because it is unnecessary, this phrase is so often misused like 3. The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Industry Leader. Throw Under the Bus Often correctly used to describe acts of betrayal in the workplace that provide a minor advantage to the one doing the throwing he really threw him under the bus, this relatively new business phrase has quickly become an annoyance by its watered down overuse. Your complete guide to the best British Slang words and phrases. Includes English insults and other interesting words. The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Sacrifice. Rightsizing This politically correct term for cutting expenses vaults into our top ten by virtue of a recent explosion in usage. The current economic climate has forced businesses to make tough decisions, and these decisions most often include expense reductions and layoffs. Managers who feel uneasy using real world terminology to describe their actions take the cowards course and declare they are rightsizing their organizations. If it was truly rightsizing we were doing, then wed be doing it during good times too, wouldnt we The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Downsizing thats if youre afraid of the word layoff. Reaching Out This phrase is probably most annoying because it seems no one calls or emails anymore, they just reach out its usage has certainly exploded. The image of someone reaching out to us is more than a little creepy, and yet more and more of our colleagues tell us they are reaching out to us wed prefer they just email. The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Contact. Low Hanging Fruit The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Easy. Incremental Improvement The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Improvement. My Two Cents The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use My Opinion. Solutions Provider The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Vendor. Bring Your A Game The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Arrive Prepared. Tear Down the Silos The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Remove Barriers. Paradigm Shift The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Fundamental Change. Take it to the Next Level The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Improve. Light a Fire Under HimHer The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Motivate. Client Engagement The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Meeting. Take it Offline The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Discuss it Later. At This Point in Time The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Now, Currently or Today. Give You a Heads Up The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Provide Notice. Synergy The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Collaboration. Action Item The Ask. The. Manager replacement phrase leaders should use Task. Telephone Etiquette Tips International Business Protocol and Social Etiquette. Whether at work, at home, or on your mobile phone, here are 8 solid telephone etiquette tips everyone should be displaying at all times. Always identify yourself at the beginning of all calls. A When in the office, always answer a telephone by saying HelloGood Morning, Accounting Department, Syndi Seid speaking. B From a cell phone, either simply say Hello, or state your name, Hello, Syndi Seid here. Do not answer by using words such as yeah or yes. C When placing a call, always state your name along with the name of the person you are calling. Maino The Day After Tomorrow Zip there. Example Hello, my name is John Doe from XYZ Corporation. May I please speak with Ms. Jane Smith2. Be sensitive to the tone of your voice. Do not sound overly anxious, aggressive or pushy. It is important your tone conveys authority and confidence. Do not lean back in your chair when speaking on the telephone. Tip Sit up in your chair or stand during the conversation. When at home, use a personal tape recorder to privately record your own conversations. You will then hear how your sound to others. Think through exactly what you plan to say and discuss BEFORE you place a call. Tip  Jot down the items you want to discuss and questions you want answered. In other words, anticipate and expect you will be placed into a voicemail system plan your message to be as direct and specific as possible, asking the person to respond to specific alternatives or questions. Do not say, Hello, its Syndi, call me back. At least state the subject about which you want the person to call you back about. Do not allow interruptions to occur during conversations. Do not carry on side conversations with other people around you. The person on the telephone takes precedence over someone who happens to walk in your office or passes by while you are on the phone. Tip If you must interrupt the conversation, say to the person, Please excuse me for a moment Ill be right back. And when you return, say, Thank you for holding. Especially when leaving messages, speak clearly and slowly. Do not use broken phrases, slang or idioms. Always, always leave your return telephone number as part of your message, including the area code. S L O W L Y, including REPEATING your telephone number at the end of your message. Tip Practice leaving your number, by saying it aloud to yourself as slow as you have heard an informational operator say it. Build the habit of always turning off your cell phone ringer when entering a meeting, restaurant, theater, training class, or other place where the purpose of your visit would be interrupted or others would be disturbed by hearing your cell phone ring. Tip If you are expecting an important call, inform the caller you will be in a meeting during certain times and state you will monitor your message indicator for when it illuminates you will excuse yourself to leave the meeting and return the call. Always speak into the telephone receiver with an even and low tone of voice. Especially when speaking on a cell phone out in public, be sure to monitor how loud you may be. Tip Move the phone ear piece just slightly away from your ear and listen to yourself speaking. Discover whether you are speaking too loudly or too quietly for the other person to hear you. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by other activities while speaking on the telephone, such as rustling papers, chewing and eating, working on the computer, or speaking with someone else. Most importantly, do not use a hand held cell phone while driving. Get a headset or speaker phone for the car. Tip Always treat every caller with the utmost courtesy and respect by giving himher your undivided attention. Question  What other items do you have to add to this list  Do let us hear from you by locating this article at www. Advanced. Etiquette. You may also reach us at www. Advanced. Etiquette. If you enjoyed this article and want more, subscribe to our Etiquette Tip of the Month newsletterat no chargefilled with great monthly tips on all sorts of topics from international business and social etiquette and protocol to everyday life subjects. It will be great to have you as a member of our happy family of subscribers at www. Advanced. Etiquette. Happy Practicing Tags telephone etiquette, telephone manners. This entry was posted. January 2. 6, 2. 01. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2. Both comments and pings are currently closed. Posted in Business by Syndi Seid.