Nadi Astrology Books
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The Saptarishis Astrology Magazines Core Team consists of volunteer students astrologers, astrology research scholars, designers, and managers working dedicatedly. Astrology Yoga Shivayoga. Astrology is a science which deals with influence of heavenly bodies upon the lives of human beings. It is the correspondences existing between signs and planets on the one hand, and the principle which constitutes man on the other that give a sound basis to Astrology. The heavenly influence of which Astrology has taken note is sure and can therefore form the basis of scientific calculation. Astrology analyses the cycle of one individual life on earth. It shows the powers and also the weaknesses brought by the human entity in this life and the results of his past existence as well. It also shows the possibility and opportunities which will help the individuals concerned to bring the future into present. Nadi Astrology Books' title='Nadi Astrology Books' />Astrology is definitely linked with Yoga. The relationship between Astrology and Yoga seems to be only slightly appreciated. Shri Kumarswamiji shows the relationship between the two in the following article. This relationship merits much greater study than it has hitherto enjoyed. In India Astrology is called Jyotirvidya. It means the knowledge of the cosmic light which penetrates into the cosmos and reveals the nature of material objects. The cosmic light of illimitable rays has given birth to this vast universe with all its multiplicity and complexity of names and forms. A thing or a man has his origin in the cosmic light and in his composition there is a certain amount of rays with their quality and arrangement. Nag Panchami on 27 th July, 2017 Thursday Naga Panchami is falling on July 27, 2017 Thursday. Nag Panchami is observed on the Shukla Paksha Panchami during the. This arrangement differs from different persons and this difference constitutes the distinction in individuals. The cosmic rays are of two kinds visible and invisible. They have produced everything tangible by condensation. Even the seven planets are the condensed forms of the cosmos rays or colours. Among the myriads of rays and radiation streaming towards the earth and bombarding it on all sides from the depths of limitless space, the seven principal cosmic rays have been singled out as constituting the physical manifestation of the universe. These seven cosmic rays are the seven visible colours of the spectrum known as the VIGBYOR. The Earth The Sun The Moon The Nine Planets Indian Astrology mentions only nine planets they are the Sun, Moon, Mars,Mercury,Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the two nodes namely Rahu and Ketu. Of these the first seven are material bodies and can be seen with naked eye, whereas the remaining two are imaginary points formed by the intersection of the paths of the earth and the moon. There are certain other planets in the sky namely the Uranus, Neptune and Pluto but they do not seem to find any place in Indian Astrology. The reason might be that they were not discovered at the time of Parashar, the father of Indian Astrology or the planets are too far away from the earth to exert any tangible influence upon human beings. The sun and other planets, owing to the relative distance from the earth, are exerting a specific influence on human destiny. The heavenly influence of which Astrology has taken note is sure and can therefore form the basis of scientific calculation. But it is to act through the medium of the earthly environments in which a subject is placed and these environments are mostly varying in nature it is therefore hardly possible to draw any universal conclusion about them. The uniformity of the planetary influence on human life is the basis of scientific Astrology, whereas the varying nature of our environments through which the planets are to act, sets its limitations upon them. Astrology is a science which deals with influence of heavenly bodies upon the lives of human beings. The zodiac might be compared to a vast clock, on which move at various speeds many hands marking different times. It is the correspondences existing between signs and planets on the one hand, and the principle which constitutes man on the other that give a sound basis to Astrology. Astrology is a science which has been deteriorated because of the personal and material character it has taken and because its fundamental cosmic nature is not adequately understood. Astrology analyses the cycle of one individual life on earth. It shows the powers and also the weaknesses brought by the human entity in this life and the results of his past existence as well. It also shows the possibility and opportunities which will help the individuals concerned to bring the future into present. The question puzzles people as to why persons born at the same time and place are affected differently though the position of the heavenly bodies be almost the same. How To Install Flex And Bison On Windows 7. This can be explained by the fact that one of the most important varying factors is the constitution of the person himself. The constitution of one person differs from that of another in various respects, that is why two persons born at the same time and at the same place practically under the same position of heavenly bodies are affected differently. There are many examples in the Science of organic chemistry of having the same composition but different constitutions being affected differently by the same reagents under identical conditions of experiments. For example, ethyl alcohol, and methyl ether have both the same chemical composition namely C2. H6. O. that is each of the molecules consists of two atoms of carbon, six atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen and yet there are two quite different substances because the atoms within the molecule are arranged differently in each case. Having the same composition but different constitution the action of reagents on them is also different. Similarly, in the case of two individuals born at the same time and place should expect the influences on both of them to be different, for the two individuals would be different not only in their constitution but also in their composition. It is a mistake to suppose that Indian Astrology teaches fatalism, on the contrary it points out a way man to tide over the difficulties. Shakespeare unwittingly expresses a great Indian Astrological truth when he said, The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars but in ourselves. The fault is the physical, mental and vital defects, which exist, in every human constitution. The yogic Astrology is an attempt to correct, control and guard against these defects. While an individual cannot control planets positions and movements, their effects upon him can be controlled. This is the message of Indian Astrology. In delivering this message, it corrects the misconception that Astrology profound an undiluted pre destination. It studies a mans inborn predilections and inherited dispositions, but goes further to say that a man is not captive of these predilections and predispositions. Rather it indicates the ways and the methods of breaking this prison and securing his own liberation. The planets work and have their effect on time and space but yogic Astrology teaches man how to overcome the obstacles and rise above time and space by requisite spiritual training. A yogi who has risen above the plane of space and time is above planetary influence such a yogi is beyond prediction by Astrology. No Astrologer can predict his future because he is in tune with the Infinite which is itself the master of the planets. Indian philosophy has long ago recognized the law of correspondence. Whatever is in the universe is in the individual as well.